Privacy Policy

Grinner’s Privacy Policy

We at the Grinner’s family of companies respect your privacy concerns.  In keeping with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act,otherwise known as PIPEDA, we have developed this privacy statement so you know why we collect your personal information, how we use the information you share with us and the measures we take to keep that information secure.

We welcome any concerns, questions or comments you may have regarding our policy.  As well, if you wish us to remove your personal information from our database, we will be happy to do so.

What is personal information?

Personal information is any information that identifies you,or by which your identity can be determined.  This does not include your business information, such as your position or where you work.

Why do we collect your personal information?

In order to serve you efficiently and effectively, the Grinner ‘s family of companies collect your information for the following reasons:

  • To deliver your restaurant orders
  • So you can participate in our customer discounts and loyalty programs
  • When you wish to participate in our contests and special events
  • To identify the number of users visiting our websites
  • To respond to your inquiries via email, letters or comment cards
  • for marketing and survey purposes conducted only for the benefit of our family of companies
  • To assess your viability as a Grinner ‘s franchisee when you apply for a Grinner’s-licensed franchise (if you have applied for a franchise)

With whom do we share your personal information?

We only share the information we have collected about you, our customers, within the Grinner ‘s family of companies. We do not sell or trade your personal information to any unrelated third party.

However, there may be occasions when we conduct market research and hire a company to conduct that research on our behalf. This type of research is designed to allow us to make improvements to our services and products through customer feedback. In those situations we will include contractual safeguards to ensure your personal information is only used for that particular purpose. The third party will not retain any personal information acquired by us once the project is complete.

Purchases and Deliveries

When you purchase from us we collect only that information we need to complete your order.  This may include your name, address, telephone number and in some instances, your credit card information. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will maintain this information so that it will be available for future transactions.  To request that your information and credit card information not be maintained for future transactions please contact us using any of the options provided at the end of this privacy policy.

Customer Loyalty and Discount Programs

To participate in our customer loyalty programs we collect your name and phone number so that we can electronically keep track of your purchases with us without having to request you carry a cumbersome card, or other which may be misplaced or lost.  Rather than place the burden on the customer to maintain their own records via a punch card in these programs, we maintain this information for you so you will
always receive the full benefit of your loyalty to our restaurants.  These programs are completely voluntary and if you wish us to remove your information already collected we will do so at your request.  We do not sell or trade this information to any unrelated third party.

Contests and Special Events

Occasionally we offer special promotions such as contests or special events.  In order to ensure our loyal customer personal information, we will tell you why we are asking for the information and what we intend to do with the information you provide to us.  Sometimes you will be asked to give your consent expressly by checking off a box or clicking on a box on our websites.  We may also obtain your consent implicitly by explaining the purpose for which we need the information but you are not required to fill out a consent form.  This occurs when you give us your phone number to participate in our loyalty program or give us your address so we can delivery your meal.  Your consent will be understood if you give us the requested information.

There are certain exceptions within PIPEDA as to when we may collect, use or disclose your personal information without your knowledge or consent.  These include when the use or disclosure is for your benefit and there is insufficient time to obtain consent; when required by courts or contracts; or in an emergency involving a person’s health, life or security.  Obviously, these are rare exceptions.

How do we protect your information?

The security of your information is a high priority for us.  We maintain administrative, technical and physical security to protect against unauthorized disclosure, use,change or destruction of the personal information in our possession.  Our staff are also trained to maintain confidentiality of all information that they come into contact with both during and after their employment with us.

Updating your information

We require accurate and up-to-date information about you and your preferences in order to maintain the high quality of service we seek to provide to our customers.  You can update your information by calling, writing, or emailing using the contact information at the end of this Privacy Statement Policy.

Privacy Policy Changes

Our services and products may change over time.  Thus, our privacy policy will also be updated periodically to reflect those changes and potential changes in our system.  We will change the date each time revisions are made.  By using our website, you are agreeing to accept the terms of the privacy policy posted at the time of your visit.  Any future access to the website subsequent to the posting of any revised privacy policy will be deemed to be your acceptance of the revised policy terms.  We reserve the right to change the privacy policy at any time.

What if I don ‘t want any communication with the Grinner ‘s family of companies?

If you prefer not to receive any information or promotions from us, please contact us using one of the options below.

How to Contact Us?

Our Privacy Officer at Grinner’s is Rob Salsman r.salsman(at) or phone 902.897.8415.

Each of our franchises has their own Privacy Officer. You may contact your local Franchise for their Privacy Officer.